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The inanimate just seems to “talk” to JJ. He can touch an object and receive flashes of history and memories of people who were around it and left imprints. The more intense the emotions that latched onto the object, the sharper the visions JJ will see. Of the strongest objects sometimes JJ might not even need to touch it. But these are often the most vile of items.

  • Backlash: Too strong an emotion in an object JJ touches may override his thoughts and senses for a few minutes, making him believe for that brief instance that he is in the situation of the person that left behind the impression.

  • Quasi-Sight: JJ cannot forget what he sees through his psychometry, and in his line of work, often times the visions are quite brutal. Too many in too short a space of time could rattle JJ’s brains and eventually drive him insane. He wasn’t exactly thinking clearly when he chose his profession.

  • Human: Aside from being able to read objects, JJ is still only human and therefore perfectly squishable and killable.

  • Anti-Tech: While JJ's powers are minimal enough that he can use most technology without too big a problem. Although, his psychometric ability lessens the more high-tech the object is.

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